Monday, April 7, 2014

1st Week of April 6 weeks old

I just love this!
Welcome to the Farm.
True, we're entitling ourselves a homestead, but they didn't have that flag at TSC.  ha ha
Anyway, thought this was cute and welcomes those who come to our drive.

Week Six and these chicks are driving me bonkers in the office!  Clearly they're no longer "chicks" to us and now full "chickens"  Hubby and I started fencing in The Ladies area this weekend.

Earlier in the week, though, we had frost.  Really???  Frost!  COME ON WINTER - GET OUT!

 On the nicer days The Ladies have been outside.....
Free Range Chicks
 Until they got near the patio and The Big Guy chased them out.  LOL
Back to the coop - but they like it, especially on sunny days!
Frieda and Lucy 6 weeks old!

Last night we got the posts up (hubby did) and almost all of the chicken wire attached.  Unfortunately we ran out of day light and the rains were setting in.

Back to the cage then. 
BUT...I FINALLY got a shot of all six of them on the roost!
Is that a riot or what?  We have to roosting poles, and they chose to all get on the same one.
You can see there is still somewhat a segregation problem, though.  LOL

This week I did get the 2nd set of 72 seedlings planted and going!

I love how the greenhouse is filling up and filling in so nicely!

However, I discovered someone else enjoys the green house!
Nasty black bee's!  OOOH I hate them!
Saturday our front yard looked like this...
 Pretty purple and even yellow flowers.  Looked like a lavender field!

So it was time to start mowing. 
Look at that nice straight line!

I LOOVE mowing!  It's my spring/summer exercise and I burn over 1000 calories doing it!

The mosquito shoo geraniums are doing great, even starting to flower!
So I got our first one into a pretty terra cotta pot!

I decided to move the heat lamp from the brooder to the top of the Coke machine for the seedlings.
This idea came after the lamp hung too low from the cabinet I tried and started to melt the seeding lid. 

They are doing GREAT!!!  Wish I did this with the first 72!

Well that's it so far from the homestead.  Just gotta finish up the chicken wire so we can get The Ladies outside for good!  Just in time for tornado season - sheesh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Late March update

Week of March 27th

Oh my it's been crazy this week.  On that note, let's start off with some humor!

I thought I'd get some pix of the chicks for their 5th week.  Well we watched I Love Lucy- Lucy Raises Chickens last night.  If you've not seen this, go to HULU (free edition even) and find I Love Lucy and it's Season 6, Episode 18.  We all laughed at this!!!!  So crazy.  In one scene Lucy spreads out a thin layer of newspaper to feed the baby chicks.  So today, when I try to get pix of the chicks, my daughter spreads out newspaper and lets them out. One flying chick later and newspaper was all blown up and over and the chick running right back to her brooder scared!!!!  So I took a few pix and then decided to put one on my shoulder for a comparison of how big they've gotten.

Coincidentally enough, this chick is named Lucy.
And what a photogenic chick she is - looking right at the camera...

Until something bright and beautiful catches her attention....

My freaking tooth!!!  She pecked my tooth!!!

OMGG I was disgusted and laughing at the same time!!!
Okay so on to some other pictures of the chicks 5th week.  Dang birds!
This is Ethel. 
They're enjoying their new tray in the cage.  They can sit in the pine shavings, but get out to eat and drink in another area. 
Or up on the slats to roost.
We clearly have a segregation problem!
I can tell you these these Americauna's are a bit wilder than the tame Reds!

I got Fred (Francesca) out to show how much she's changing.  Her head is turning grey which I believe will turn to a lighter grey/white.

Sheesh my teeth are white and beautiful - - - back off bird!

 Cuddles is still a little jumpy and crazy but calmed down for some chit chat by her watercooler!

The seedlings are doing great!  The sqush/zucchini are growing taller and taller and the rest of the seeds are filling in.  I need this weather to warm up so I can get them planted!!!  I also wanted to start a 2nd tray for succession harvesting.

Who'd thunk the petunias would come back this year!!!!  Bright yellow and so cheery!

The drawf peach tree is blooming.  I forgot by the time we bought it last year it had already bloomed and the flowers didn't stay on long. 

The soft pink should be beautiful this year!

This is our mystery pot.  It's a giant plantar that we thought we had mint in last year.  But this returning greenery does not look like mint, nor does it smell like mint.  We did have oregano last year, maybe that is it.  We shall see!

Cory's radishes are coming up nicely.  Although, he is quite disappointed to learn that each of these plants will only produce 1 radish.  He was thinking it'd grow multiple radishes per plant.

After I tilled up the garden area, Cory started putting in the 8' posts. 
They will serve 2 purposes.  1 - the garden will be fenced in.  2- we'll have large hooks on the outside of these posts to hang strawberry baskets!!

All the plants arrived from Burgess Monday. 

This made me quite nervous!  The garden isn't finished and the weather is not cooperating!
The English Lavender is dormant, so I set them in the shed  to stay cool and dry until it gets warmer this weekend. 
The 4 Mosquito Geraniums were ready to go and I don't even have the pots yet!!!
Quick thinking, though, saved the day. 
We keep the gallon milk jugs to cut off the tops and use as doggie deposit collecting buckets with handles.  So we had 4 clean ones in the shed as back up.  I decided to use them as transfer pots until I can get the terra cotta pots! 

It worked well and they're in the green house awaiting warmer weather!

I still need to get the blueberry plant going and the elephant garlic and Yukon potatoes! 
Come on weather - get warm and agreeable!

This weekend we had the chickens outside.  The love it out side - and I love them outside!!!
Here's the whole flock!

Our daughter has learned chickens run fast!!!
I ripped out all of the Blue Blaze that we were told would come back every year since they really DON'T come back every year. 
Looking at the tag just now, I  notice it does say Trailing Annual.  That should have been the key - of course, last year I couldn't keep annual and perennial's straight as to which meant what.  Now I remember by you get a new/different school annual (yearbook) every year.  Wah-lah!  Problem solved.

So I tilled up the area, and prepared the bed.
Then I threw down some Forget-Me-Nots.
Now I know these are also annuals.  However, I spent $1.99 on this package rather than $2-$3 PER PLANT like we did last year - and we had about 15 plants!  OUCH!

The jonquels are blooming - always so nice against a bright blue sky!

It was a long day and after all our hard work, hubby build a fire in the firepit and we relaxed on the patio!  I hope to be spending lots of relaxing evenings out here after working in and appreciating our garden this year!